
SWITCH 2023 – reaching the community

SWITCH was, overall, a fantastic time and a great opportunity for our community. A good number of people, including young people, politicians, and donors came over to the rainbow table to look at our wares, check out our pamphlets and resources, and ask questions or just have a general gab!

At one point, there was this mother and her couple of children walking by. The eldest child (gender identity unknown and won’t be speculated), gave me a bit of a sideways glance and literally dragged their feet. Awhile later, the child hurried over to the table and said “I wanted to take a look but I can’t make it obvious.” Their face lit up as they looked at the table and engaged a bit with me. A few short minutes later, they hurried back to mother.

This interaction meant so much to me, as I saw how much an open queer presence meant to this child, and I’m sure to many others at SWITCH. They may not have allies at home, but I (representing SWNPA) gave them that proverbial outstretched arm for just a few minutes.

If nothing else happened that day, if no one else came by or no money had been made, I’d still feel we made a big difference with our participation in this event!