Annual General Meeting

Friends, queers, allies,
Lend me your ears! The Southwest Nova Pride Association Annual General Meeting is scheduled for March 26th, 2024 at 6pm at the NSGEU offices on Main Street, Yarmouth. (We’ll have a Zoom link closer to the day.)
On behalf of the sitting Board of Directors, I would like to invite and encourage you all to attend, either in-person or online. We will be:
  • hearing reports from the executive officers as to how the last year went;
  • electing board members ; and
  • holding a Special Resolution to clarify our by-laws, thanks to the hard work of the Policy Committee.
The proposed new bylaws are here…/Special… and our current bylaws are on our website, here
Your involvement is critical to the health of our organization!
Thanks — and see you on the 26th!
Alden, Chair
PS: official notice went out via our mailing list. This is an additional cross-platform heads’ up.

Annual General Meeting

Attend our Annual General Meeting! We’re meeting at the NSGEU building in Yarmouth or on Zoom at 7pm on 20 October 2022. Vote for the Board of Directors, Executive Officers, and on four Special Resolutions:
  1. Permitting junior members (i.e. members under the age of majority)
  2. Increasing the number of directors on the Board of Directors to 20 (currently it is 12)
  3. Clarification on financial management
  4. No more than one Executive Officer in each household (no limit on normal Board Members)